Friday 27 November 2015

How to Clean Up Your Large Art Structures


If you have a large, beautiful art structure to show off, you want it to be sparkling clean. Cleaning something that large might seem daunting, but these tips and tricks can help.

Consider the Products You Use

Sculptures and other large pieces of art are made from a variety of materials, including:

  • Bronze
  • Marble
  • Metal
  • Soapstone

And that’s just to name a few! The type of products you use to clean your piece of art will depend on its material. Always be sure to use something an art professional recommends, and even if you’ve used the product before, do a spot test in an inconspicuous area first.

Use the Proper Motions

You don’t scrub wine glasses with the same gusto you use on floors, and the same principle applies to art. Always use soft cloths and gentle motions to avoid damaging the structure. Toothbrushes are good for hard-to-reach areas.

Hire a Professional

The safest and most efficient way to clean your large art structure is to hire a professional to do the job. He or she will know the proper methods and products to use to ensure cleanliness without damage.

Make your piece of art as beautiful as it was the day you purchased it. To find out more about public art cleaning in La Jolla, visit this website.

Mirror Mirror


Mirrors and other glass-topped surfaces make a space look larger and more beautiful. Keeping them free of dust and fingerprints can be a pain. Don’t stress. Window cleaners can help keep your home or business sparkling.

3 Reasons to Hire a Window Washer for Your Elderly Parent


As a son or daughter, you want to help your aging parents as much as possible, but as an adult, you have your own responsibilities to attend to. Unfortunately, this means the little details, such as window washing, go unnoticed. In situations like this, it’s beneficial to hire help.

Clean Windows Mean Happier People

A clean window allows the sun’s rays to penetrate the home more easily. This helps the home stay warmer, and has an added benefit. Sunshine provides the body with Vitamin D, which leads to healthier bones and teeth, and is even known to alleviate depression.

It Is Safer

Naturally, you don’t want your parent teetering and tottering about on a rickety ladder, but trying to wash high windows yourself isn’t much safer. Hiring a professional means:

  • Trained window washers
  • Safer equipment
  • Higher quality of cleaning product

It Saves Time

When you already have a busy life, finding time to spend with family can be difficult, especially if you’re washing windows and doing other household chores. If you hire a professional to do the work for you, your free time is available to spend laughing and talking with your parents.

Don’t waste time scrubbing windows only to get a sub par cleanliness. Learn more about how to hire a window cleaning company in San Diego by visiting this website.

Superman (or Woman) is Waiting

Dirt on worn windows blocking your view? Time to let the sunshine in with the services of window cleaners. They look like Superman (or woman) scaling heights. Watch these professionals in safety gear give you your sparkle back.

3 Reasons Employees Perform Better With Clear Windows


If your employees haven’t been performing tasks up to their usual standards, your office’s windows could be to blame. Cleaner windows mean better employee performance for several reasons.

They Help Physical Health

When a window is clean enough to allow all the sun’s rays to penetrate, your employees receive healthy doses of Vitamin D, which benefits physical health in several ways.

  • It leads to a stronger immune system and fewer sick days taken
  • It helps the body absorb other vital nutrients
  • It leads to healthier bones and teeth

Clean Windows Benefit Mental Health

Vitamin D isn’t just helpful for your employees’ physical health, though. Vitamins absorbed via the sun’s rays also release pleasure chemicals in the brain, which leads to a more positive outlook and more energy to accomplish tasks.

It Shows You Care About the Company

You wouldn’t eat in a dirty restaurant, so you can’t expect employees to work in a dirty office. Clean windows show that you care about the image your company presents, which improves employee morale and makes your team more productive.

Chances are you’re too busy running your business to worry about washing its windows yourself, so consider hiring a professional. Visit this website to learn more about commercial window washing in Sorrento Valley.